decompiler  1.0.0
Address Member List

This is the complete list of members for Address, including all inherited members.

Address(mach_extreme ex)Address
Address(AddrSpace *id, uintb off)Addressinline
Address(const Address &op2)Addressinline
containedBy(int4 sz, const Address &op2, int4 sz2) const Address
getAddrSize(void) const Addressinline
getOffset(void) const Addressinline
getShortcut(void) const Addressinline
getSpace(void) const Addressinline
getSpaceFromConst(const Address &addr)Addressinlinestatic
isBigEndian(void) const Addressinline
isConstant(void) const Addressinline
isContiguous(int4 sz, const Address &loaddr, int4 losz) const Address
isInvalid(void) const Addressinline
isJoin(void) const Addressinline
justifiedContain(int4 sz, const Address &op2, int4 sz2, bool forceleft) const Address
m_maximal enum valueAddress
m_minimal enum valueAddress
mach_extreme enum nameAddress
operator!=(const Address &op2) const Addressinline
operator+(int4 off) const Addressinline
operator-(int4 off) const Addressinline
operator<(const Address &op2) const Addressinline
operator<<(ostream &s, const Address &addr)Addressfriend
operator<=(const Address &op2) const Addressinline
operator=(const Address &op2)Addressinline
operator==(const Address &op2) const Addressinline
overlap(int4 skip, const Address &op, int4 size) const Address
printRaw(ostream &s) const Addressinline
read(const string &s)Addressinline
renormalize(int4 size)Address
restoreXml(const Element *el, const AddrSpaceManager *manage)Addressstatic
restoreXml(const Element *el, const AddrSpaceManager *manage, int4 &size)Addressstatic
saveXml(ostream &s) const Addressinline
saveXml(ostream &s, int4 size) const Addressinline